You Shouldn’t Get Your Teeth Whitened if You Fall into These 9 Categories

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that, although is now very popular and desired, is not a necessity. For those with certain health issues including teeth and gum issues, getting your teeth whitened is not always the best idea. You should avoid getting your teeth whitened if:

  • If you have sensitive teeth: the hydrogen peroxide gel used in teeth whitening gels is a bleaching agent that causes sensitivity during whitening procedures. If you already have sensitive teeth or overly sensitive teeth, teeth whitening procedures may cause extreme discomfort for you.
  • You have GERD or acid erosion on your teeth: GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a digestive disorder that causes acid indigestion and/or reflux. This causes tooth erosion and damage to tooth enamel. Weak enamel is not ideal for teeth whitening procedures as the bleaching agents may cause further damage and sensitivity. Whitening over a weak enamel can also cause teeth to become even more discoloured.
  • You have gum recession: Whitening gels can cause sensitivity which can then lead to gum recession. If you already experience gum recession, whitening your teeth can then exacerbate the issue.
  • Your gums are sensitive: teeth and gum sensitivity is heightened during whitening procedures. If you have sensitive gums, your sensitivity may be extremely uncomfortable or even unbearable during treatment and should therefore be avoided.
  • You have visible white fillings or crowns: Whitening will not be effective on parts of the teeth that have white fillings or are crowned.
  • You have sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide: hydrogen peroxide is the agent used to whiten teeth. If you are sensitive to this substance, you will experience extreme discomfort during whitening procedures.
  • You have cavities: Your teeth must be in a healthy condition before preforming and whitening procedures. Not only will cavities affect the whitening process by creating uneven spots, they will also cause discomfort during the procedure.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding: Although there is no hard evidence that suggests that undergoing teeth whitening procedures effect unborn babies, it is highly recommended to avoid the procedure as it is an unnecessary risk.
  • You are under 18 years old: cosmetic procedures can be dangerous to children under the legal adult age and unsuitable for youth teeth.

If you are considering getting your teeth professionally whitened, be sure to act safely and do not whiten your teeth if you belong to any of the above categories. Maple Dental Hygiene Care offers Teeth Whitening services in Vaughan and can be contacted regarding all of your questions about the procedure and its safety. To get expert guidance from a dental hygienist in Vaughan, call us today at 410.835.5002 or visit the Maple dental Hygiene care website to book an appointment.


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